About Us

Imagine being in intense free and joyful worship with hundreds, or thousands, of people hungry for God. The manifest presence and glory of God falls in the room and miraculous healings take place. Teachings are given that empower you with boldness and such a knowing of God's power that you are just itching to go pray with strangers in Walmart when you get home. This is what I have experienced the last 8 years as I have been attending these conferences. Everyone should experience this! Everyone should be hungry for more! What are the Prophets saying in these turbulent times? How can I get my friends saved? How can I claim my healing? I have been so Blessed by these conferences and these ministries that I have to Bless them in return.

Our Mission -

The Mission of His Events is to expand the the Kingdom of God, and usher in the upcoming Outpouring on North America, by freely promoting Revival, Prophetic, Healing and Revelatory oriented ministries and churches. By providing information on conferences and events throughout the US and Canada, we encourage those hungry for God to experience God’s glory in a corporate environment.

We are also blessing our favorite ministries by advertising for them freely, We never charge to post events. As of spring 2012, we are building a church directory, as a guide to Revival oriented churches throughout the US, which will be needed in the upcoming Harvest. In the future we will be offering books and video that will provide training, encouragement and the anointing to activate God’s people to step out and carry forth the mandates of our Lord Jesus. While our bookstore is in progress, we currently recommend the bookstore at WhiteDoveMinistries.org.

 With over 10,000 hits a month on the old platform, HisEvents.org was outgrowing itself and could not handle the increased needs. HisEvents had been serving the Kingdom mightily, and had to develop into the fullness of what the Lord meant it for. Robin had personally funded HisEvents and the webhosting since 2006, as a contribution to the Kingdom, but with the expense of the new platform, is currently filing for 501C3 and accepting donations to assist with the expenses.  The Outpouring is at hand and HisEvents has a role to play in it.

About Robin  

Robin Rowan is the Founder and Director of His Events. This assignment God gave to her in 2006 and it is continuously growing. His Events mission is to see the body of Christ walk in knowledge, anointing and activation for the fulfillment of God given assignments and destiny.

Robin wears many hats as a former Federal Inspector General Auditor, writer, and now independent Middle East and Political Analyst, as well as Ordained Minister. In her itinerant ministry, under Morningstar Fellowship of Ministries, Robin operates in a seer anointing, is a vessel of the Lord for Word of Knowledge, Prophetic gifts and activation of the body of Christ into their assignments and destiny.

She is recipient of the "Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism" for her work in Baghdad, Iraq and Washington, DC. Her combination of prophetic gifts and knowledge of the Middle East; threat of the enemy overseas as well as to our homeland, gives her a very unique perspective on issues related to Israel, the Middle East, and our national security.

Her role with the Government as an Inspector and Auditor mandated truth over politics, a passion she carries boldly today.
As a Christian lay leader and elected member of National Council for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Robin speaks to the US Congress on issues related to the US -Israel relationship. She authors articles and does public speaking on the Middle East / Israel to secular groups as well as churches alongside her Christian writing and speaking on the Ecclesia and the Church's mandated role in government.

The Story of HisEvents!

During a Stand Firm World Ministries "Texas Ablaze" conference in Houston, Texas in July 2006, I was given a clear "assignment" from the Lord.

On the first morning of the conference, the same conversation came up, at different times, with six different people. Many had traveled from different cities to attend the conference and found out too late that another great man of God had been in town the night before and didn't know it. A great prophetic meeting had taken place just two miles from our hotel and we had missed it! This reoccurring conversation kept bringing up that a central web site was needed to easily find out where all the great men of God, Prophetic and Healing ministries were, and where they were going to be, so we could go and get Blessed!

Even though I knew nothing about building a website, during worship at this conference I received downloads from the Lord of what it was to look like, and accomplish. As an obedient servant, much to the dismay of my travel buddy, I was on my laptop in the hotel that very night until 3 am putting the HisEvents website together. Born in a day, it has developed over the years, and in 2012, HisEvents.org is now also HisEvents.com, with an entire new look, Church Directory, and bookstore to come!

The Lord has shown me through other assignments He has given me that I will never see all the residual effects of actions taken to serve the Kingdom. How many lost will be saved as a result of seeing an advertisement and walking into a meeting? How many ministries will be launched through the empowerment received at a conference? Ours is not to question why, but to simply say SEND ME LORD!

We are at such a time of acceleration and preparation. God is moving in magnificent ways. Imagine being in intense free and joyful worship with hundreds of people hungry for God. The manifest presence and glory of God falls in the room and miraculous healings take place. Teachings are given that empower you with boldness and such a knowing of God's power that you are just itching to go pray with strangers in Walmart when you get home. This is what I have experienced the last 8 years as I have been attending these conferences. Everyone should experience this! Everyone should be hungry for more! What are the prophets saying in these turbulent times? How can I get my friends saved? How can I claim my healing?

I have been so Blessed by these conferences and these ministries that I have to Bless them in return.

My assignment, which I was honored to accept, was to provide easy access to information on events that serve the Kingdom of God, and to assist ministries with marketing, advertising and administration of these events and help them bring in the multitudes.
It doesn't matter that I knew very little about websites, web-hosting and such things. I have never been trained or experienced in doing this.
All you have to do is keep your spiritual ears open, be still before God, listen, and then act on what He leads you to do before someone tells you that you can't!
The Lord doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!

With Love, Robin